The Trick-or-Treat Love Sucks Giveaway Reaping

On Sage’s counter sits a cauldron once full of sweets to tempt little children to her door, but currently filled with names of people vying for a copy of Love Sucks, bookmark, and flashy, blinky necklace.

Just as in Hunger Games, some folks have many entries into the contest, and some just have one.  Who will be reaped from the cauldron?  Let us see now.

Pulling out a name and we have…

Sabryna Brooks

Next is:

Bryson McCrone

And our final winner is:

Susan Weiner

Congrats to the winners!  I will contact you to find out where to e-mail the book and to ship the bookmark and necklace.  (ETA: Don’t forget to tell me the format you need when you tell me where to send the books)

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!  Less than 4 hours to NaNoWriMo.

Lots of love,

Trick-or-Treat Love Sucks Giveaway

It’s nearly Halloween. And that means it’s time for some demons and some treats.  Love Sucks is full of demons.  Okay, so some of them only have one little demon gene, but it’s enough for this giveaway.  And I think an excellent treat would be to give away some copies of Love Sucks, don’t you?

  Here’s a quick blurb for you:

Mailee is about to answer the age-old question: “How much love would a love sucker suck if a love sucker fell in love?”

Mailee’s greatest wish is to be an ordinary teenage girl, but thanks to one stupid demon gene she consumes love from any human she touches.  The only person she can touch is her best friend Eric, a hot lust-drainer.  Except for slight hand-brushes to keep from starving, she avoids humans.

Until she meets Logan, a diabetic and the first human who could understand Mailee’s diet angst.  She grows closer to him, but each touch risks his love for her.  If she wants a normal relationship, she’ll have to become human. But the only way requires her to free and be infected by demons representing the Seven Deadly Sins. Sloth? Pride? No problem.  But when wrath-infected Mailee punches the cheerleader who’s making eyes at Eric, she realizes getting through the sins might cost too much.

Like Eric. Because if she turns human, he’ll be the only one she can’t touch.

So if you want this shiny book, just follow the instructions below, and you’ll be entered into the contest.  I’m giving away three copies of the book, one for every week left until NaNo (because I’m weird like that).  Love Sucks is an e-book, and I can deliver it in PDF, Mobi, PRC, and ePUB.  PDF, for those of you without e-readers, looks very nice, by the way.  I believe it’s the only way to get the pretty hearts around the first letter of each chapter.

Edit to add: Okay, because I’m an idiot, I forgot to mention the rest of the prize (and the real reason for three books).  I have 3 flashy, blinky heart necklaces leftover from my release party and lots of shiny bookmarks.  So each winner can also get a necklace and a Love Sucks bookmark.  I realize the irony of having a bookmark for an e-book, but they really are nice bookmarks.  When I announce the winners, I’ll get your information to mail those to you (you can opt out of that if flashy, blinky heart necklaces aren’t your thing).  The e-book, of course, I can just e-mail.

Here’s how you can get entries for the contest.

1 pt – Just for a comment telling me your favorite YA or MG Halloween read.

2 pts – Tweeting about the contest. Be sure to share a link to your tweet here so I can give you your points.

2 pts –  Share a link to this contest on Facebook.  Again, please share a link so I can see.

3 pts – Mention this contest on your blog.  Then link to it here, and maybe others will follow the link back to you and check out your blog too 🙂

If you do the 1-pt blog comment only, be sure to include some sort of information so I can contact you if you win.  There are 7 sins, so if you tweet about the contest on 7 different days, you can get 2 points for each (for a total of 14 points), as long as you link them here.

The contest ends at 11:59 EST on October 30, and I’ll post and contact the winners on Halloween.

Have fun!

Lots of love,



So way back when I was writing Love Sucks (a million years ago, I think), I was looking for a name for my love/lust/inhibition drainers.  If it had just been love, I probably would have been find with “love drainer” or something, but for some reason “drainer” or “sucker” didn’t really appeal to me as an all-encompassing title for these demons.  This was before vampires were impossible to sell, but “vampire” didn’t quite seem to fit.

I turned to my writing buddies and asked for suggestions.  One had been taking Latin, and together we came up with “Haustor” or “someone who drains.”

Today I was working on a report that summarized major threats to different species.  Imagine my surprise when I came across the word, “Haustoria.”  Obviously, I couldn’t let that go without looking it up.  It turns out that the haustoria (haustorium = singular) are the part of a parasitic plant or fungus that draws nutrients from the plant.

Of course, it makes perfect sense that Haustores and haustoria have similar names and do basically the same thing–drain food from a host with a touch.  They were both named with the same Latin root (“to drain”). But it was cool to have my work and writing worlds collide with the chance encounter with a word I basically consider to be mine.

Do you ever have your writing world intersect with the real world in a weird way like this?

Lots of love,


Happy Release Day, LOVE SUCKS!

Today Love Sucks is released into the wild.

As you can imagine, I’m pretty excited.  There may be some wayward exclamation points that sneak into this post.  Just possibly.  Watch out for them, they’re sneaky.


Tonight I have my release party.  It’s going to be a fun time of good food, blinking heart necklaces, games, maybe a reading, and lots of chocolate fondue.  Right now I’m stressing about the reading.  I’m not exactly the best talker.  But I have listened to a lot of audiobooks, so I’m better at reading aloud than I used to be.

I have to decide which chapter to use.  There’s always the first one, which admittedly hasn’t failed me in the past (lots of requests from agents who had the first 10 pages).  But I thought maybe I’d do a different scene.  So then the question became… which boy?  Because it’s true that most chapters have either Eric or Logan in them, but not both.  One of the later ones does, and it’s my favorite chapter, but do I go that far into the book?

I’ve almost decided “no” on that chapter and the first one.  That leaves me deciding between two chapters.  Do I choose demon problems or human problems?  Cheerleaders or Disney characters?  Eric or Logan?  Oh, my god, it’s like trying to get Mailee to choose a boy when I first wrote it.

Anyway, I will probably practice all these chapters all day long.  Then tonight?  Chocolate fondue!

If you want to buy the book, it’s currently only available through Musa.  But it should be up on Amazon and B&N soon.  Remember it’s an e-book, but you can get it for Nook, Kindle, iPad, and as a PDF.  Here’s a secret.  It’s awesome to have on my Kindle, but it is absolutely gorgeous as a PDF.  These are the two formats I’ve seen it in, so I’m not sure how the Nook or iBook version compare.

Anyway, I’m off to practice reading!


Lots of love,


Surprise Teaser Tuesday – cut scene from Love Sucks

Hey, I thought that in honor of Love Sucks coming out on Friday, I would do a teaser from it.  But I don’t know how my editor would feel about that, so I’m doing a teaser from a scene I cut solely for length.  This is the first half of a scene I loved, but something needed to go from this section of the novel, and this was the scene that was least important.

I feel bad that Eric doesn’t get equal time as Lo, so maybe I’ll tease with an Eric scene next week.  Unless you guys say you want to see the nerdiness that is me posting the actual D&D scene that occurs after this excerpt.

Context: Mailee drains love with her touch and has been on a quest to become human, but she’s taking a break with Logan and his friends, Tyron and Adam. Mai and Lo are pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend as an excuse to keep him touching/feeding her and his friends from touching her at all. Lo has diabetes.  And…I think that’s all you need to know.

The doorbell rang.  When it rang the second time, I realized nobody was going to get it.  I peeked through the peephole.  Pizza delivery.

“Hey, that’ll be 23.98,” the delivery guy said when I opened the door.  Uh oh.  I didn’t have any money.

“I got it.”  Adam sprinted up to the door, wallet in hand.  “Mailee, could you run these down to the guys while I pay.  Don’t let them suck you in.  If you don’t come back in five minutes, I’ll assume they incorporated you into the cult, and I’m not going in after you.”  He grinned.  “Thanks, doll.”

Which was how I ended up carrying three pizzas downstairs to the room across the hall from my bedroom.

“Hey, babe,” Lo said when I entered.  Everyone looked up.

“Oh em gee,” a guy with red hair and freckles said.  It took me a second to figure out he was speaking in letters and not a foreign language.  “You didn’t tell us your girlfriend was a Halfling.”  And I was confused again.  “Look how cute she is.”

The other guy–with a shaved head and stockier than Freckles Guy or Tyron–chimed in with, “Give her a break, Chris.  She’s at least tall enough to be an elf.  Yeah, definitely elf-like.”

The girl with curly brown hair giggled while the one with straight black hair and a pointed nose rolled her eyes.

Tyron snorted.  “Way to be the most stereotypical gamers ever, guys.”

“I brought you your pizza.”

“Here.”  Lo stood up and grabbed the top two boxes.  “Follow me.”

We put them down on a table to the side.  “Do we have to pizza every time, guys?  I’d like for my blood sugar to at least have a fighting chance.”

Tyron ignored him.  “Mailee, you going to play with us?”

“Oh, yes, do,” the curly-haired girl said.  “Let’s try to balance out the testosterone level in here?”

“D&D is supposed to be testosterone-full.  This is already more girls than I’ve ever seen in a game.”

“Don’t give me that gaming is for guys crap.  My Serenity game has three times the girls than guys.”

“Yeah, but that’s Serenity.  I mean the name itself is girly.”

Chris and the other guy threw some dice at him.  “Don’t mess with the Browncoats!”

“Does this make sense to you?” I whispered to Lo.

“Sorta.  Don’t think I’m too much of a geek.  This is more Ty’s thing.  Do you want to play?”

“What do I have to do?”

“She’s playing!”  Chris was way too excited about this.

“I’ll teach you.  And you can eat with us.”  He kissed me before I could flinch.  I’d have to talk to him about that.

“Oo-ooh….  Logan,” said our personal Geek chorus.

“Okay, now you’re the most stereotypical gamers ever,” Lo said.  He took my hand into his to keep me from playing with my fingers.  “It’s okay,” he promised, and only I knew he meant the two of us touching.  “You don’t have to play.”

“No, she has to be an elf.  Come on, Girlfriend of Logan,” the bald guy said.

“Stop pressuring her.  Mai, you don’t have to play, and if you decide to, don’t let them tell you how your character should be.  You can be anything you want.”

And then he said the two little words that got me to play.  “Even human.”

Hope you enjoyed.

Lots of love,


Less than a Week until Release

So what am I doing this weekend?

  • Reading through my galleys
  • Reading Hannah Moskowitz’s Gone, Gone, Gone
  • Writing an author’s bio
  • Doing interviews
  • Going to Earth Day events
  • Listening to free concerts downtown
  • Playing with cats
  • Sleeping in until 10 (just today)
  • Betaing a novel for a friend
  • Downloading Train’s and Jason Mraz’s new albums
  • Working (just tomorrow)
  • Eating chocolate-covered espresso beans
  • Bouncing (see previous point)
  • Counting down the days

Hope everyone out there is having a great Earth weekend.

Lots of love,


Love Sucks Cover!

I’m very excited to announce the cover for Love Sucks!

Also, I’m four weeks out from my release date.  So my life is pretty full of nervous excitement these days.  I’m trying to fill it with massive bouts of writing.  But… I think I might end Taylor-Made tomorrow…  What will I do then?  (Potential answers: Edit?  Write a sequel?  Write a sequel to H/V?  Write a sequel to LS? (my editor suggested one) Watch Buffy for the billionth time?)

But for now, the cover!

Expect to see this cover basically everywhere I am online 😉

So, what do you think?

Lots of love,


I’m Greedy for a New Song, Are You Greedy for Books?

Just one.  And you can help me.

I have a great soundtrack for Love Sucks.  So many songs that define the characters and their relationships with each other.  A song that even has Mailee’s name in it (though the lyrics would spell it differently).  And each of the seven deadly sins has it’s own song.

Except Greed.  I can’t find a good song for when Mailee is infected by that sin.  Now, Greed is not my favorite of the Sins anyway, and originally it only had a brief role in the book.  Now there’s a scene devoted to the Sin, so I need a song.

Once Mailee is infected by Greed, besides starting to think in terms of “my Eric” and wanting to do as much as she can of the quest right away, she also goes on a shopping spree, spending more money than she has.

So I’m looking for songs about greed or songs that would fit this situation.  If you include lyrics (or links to lyrics), or even better, a link to, say, a YouTube video with the song so I could listen to it, that would be awesome.

Whoever I decide has the most appropriate song for the book/scene/soundtrack will get an assortment of books leftover from my Bye-Bye Borders Extravaganza (let’s say 10 books and you can choose which of the ones I have that you’ll get), plus I will buy an extra copy of When the Sea is Rising Red by Cat Hellisen when it comes out and send it to you (which means I will be sending these out in early March).  And I will include the extra bookmark I accidentally bought for Christmas presents.  It has a puppy on it.

All for just one song.

So let out your inner greed and send those songs my way, so I can send books your way!

Lots of love,


And a Writing High!

Previously on “Like Fireflies in the Brain,” Sage had a writing depression that climaxed in May, and she didn’t break out of it until August, when she wrote a novel in three days, wrote a short story and a half, and cut down a novel she couldn’t make work into a short story, subbing it immediately to the Absolute Write SFF anthology.

Busy August.

Two days into September, I received word that I had made it into the second round of the anthology.  There was still another round of cuts to go, but just getting that far was really encouraging.  I knew that if I was rejected, I would be confident enough to submit it elsewhere.

So I waited. In the world of publishing, it wasn’t that long.  Just under two months.  And then a couple of weeks ago, we were told that the table of contents would be decided on that Friday.  Imagine my nerves that week, lol.  Friday came, and then we were told that only rejections were going out that night.  Acceptances would be the next evening.

I didn’t receive a rejection before bed.  I had to work the next morning (Saturday, I know), so I went to bed a little early.  I got up at 6 a.m. when my iPod went off, and just like every morning, I checked it to see if I had e-mail.  I did.  There was a little red circle with a “1” in it.  Kinda like when I see that “Inbox (1),” at first I got excited.  And then I remembered that rejections were going out.

I tried not to be too disappointed as I opened my e-mail.  It was a rejection, I knew it.

Only it wasn’t.  It was an offer!  But not for “Fireflies”, not for the anthology.  It was an offer for Love Sucks, which I submitted to an e-publisher a little over three weeks ago.

That’s right!  Love Sucks is going to be published by Musa Publishing!

So, yeah, that was pretty good news.

Even better was when I received the acceptance for “Fireflies” that evening. 😀

Two acceptances, one day.  There might have been some dancing involved.

All right, it’s time for NaNo.  Hope you enjoyed my little story.

Lots of love,


How Being Brave Has Made Me a Coward Again

Once upon a time, I was so timid about querying.  It would take me several days to send one query.  Just one.  And the sad thing was that despite my best intentions to personalize them, I really suck at it, so they weren’t all that personalized.  Then I would agonize over every word (even though I had already perfected (or, you know, not) the query letter).  Then I had to get through my nerves enough… to… send. 

By the time I got to querying Love Sucks, I was a little braver, sending in batches of two or three a day.  Five would be a very productive querying day (and I spent the whole day on it).  I had to check every one several times.  Did I spell the name right?  Did I follow their directions to the letter?  Did the directions on AgentQuery match their website and everything anyone ever said on Absolute Write about them?  Finally I would hit send.

Something happened when I was querying Love Sucks, pre-revision.  I started to like it.  I had already been querying it for six months and had three fulls that had been sitting.  But I had very few queries out there.  I was on a writing vacation and made myself send one query every 1000 words.  And then I got a new full request.  And then I wanted to send another query before I had finished 1000 words.  And suddenly I wanted to query.

By the time I was querying LS’s revision, I was querying like a madwoman (after the initial check that my revised query worked with a few test agents).  I sent queries in batches of 5-10 and waited a much shorter time between batches.  I’d throw the query in an e-mail, address it to the agent, add the pages they wanted, if any (I had learned to take the first 10 pages and give them their own document with spaces between the paragraphs, just for querying purposes, and that made including pages much easier), the synopsis if they wanted (because I had already “perfected” that too), and it was off.  I still made sure to follow the query directions, but I didn’t agonize over it.

Same routine for Trouble and Fireflies.  I sent in batches, waiting a short time to see the responses, when I got positive responses (especially for Fireflies), I started doing bigger batches.  I got obsessed with sending queries.

But, see, here I am waiting on fulls and partials, and the agents who seem right for Fireflies (and take e-queries) have mostly been queried.  Every so often an agent at a “no from one of us doesn’t equal a no from all” agency will give me a rejection, and I’ll get to query a new one.  Or an agent that never got back to me on Trouble has taken so long that I feel brave enough to query them with Fireflies.

Perhaps because these are kinda trickling now, I’ve suddenly become a coward again.  I put them together the same way as when I’m speed-querying, but I get scared to hit “send.”  I double-, triple-check the query directions.  Check to make sure that this is THE agent I want to query next from that agency. Go read about them on AW again and make sure I’m not missing anything.  Send.

Freak out.  Did I misspell their name?  Did I copy and paste a weird version of my query?  Did I forget the pages?

Seriously, where did this fear come from this time?  I don’t know.  Maybe because I’ve started to think it’s “easy” (the actual putting together of the query, at least), it’s come back and created this fear that I’ve gotten cocky about it and haven’t done what I needed to.  Or maybe one query sent to an agent at the wrong e-mail and without pages when she wanted them has made me second guess myself.  Whatever the reason, it’s not stopping me from querying.  It’s just… more stress, lol.

Luckily, I’ve been waiting on requests, so query rejections in the end don’t seem toooooo disappointing.


Currently on my iPod: All of This by Shaimus

Lots of love,
